The Westbrook Leadership Team is reading FOCUS by Mike Schmoeker

Through the Teaching and Leading Academy, our entire Leadership Team is reading the book FOCUS by Mike Schmoeker to support our focus on being intentional in the work we do.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Welcome to the 2011-12 School Year

Welcome back to school everyone! As we begin the new school year, I invite everyone to TEACH WITH INTENTION, to be focused, clear, and precise in order to meet the needs of our students. I encourage everyone to consider who we teach, where we teach, and how we teach in order to meet their needs. I also challenge the faculty to post learning goals in classrooms every day, in all grades, in all classes, in all buildings throughout the district. Again, that will help us to focus our teaching as well as our students' learning.
I wish you all the very best year ahead!